I am a valuable and hardworking individual. I offer labor, intelligence, knowledge and skills. My colleagues are also hardworking and competent people. What makes  the “Organizational Culture at Fırat Plastik” exist is the common beliefs and values of us, the employees.

Quality is the essence of modern life. I have the urge to turn the customers' expectations into satisfaction. To do this, I meet all the expectations of my customers and bring my products and services into reality according to national and international standards, values and legal requirements.

This is my conscientious duty.

Yet, I become a whole together with our other employees. I share my knowledge and learn the things I don't know from those who know. Our collaboration in knowledge and skills make us a superior team. We can consistently achieve superior quality by complementing each other at work. I do my job right to improve myself, my company and my country.

This is my humanitarian duty.

I am open to new principles and technological advancements that come along with modern business life and the competitive economy, and I comply with them meticulously. It is my duty to reduce our costs, to incorporate new technologies, to improve our competitive strength, to produce knowledge, skills and solutions. It is my duty to ensure the quality of our products, the efficiency of our efforts, and timely delivery of services and products.

This is my national duty.

This partnership agreement and the confidence in lays the foundation of the interest in us and our products. The confidence in us is a “Word of Honor” and “Quality Policy” for me and my company. Fırat Plastik has established a Quality Management System to embrace these commitments and undertakes to fulfill what this system requires and to continuously improve the effectiveness of this system.


Fıratpen implements its quality policy in a meticulous manner for the sake of keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level, ensuring continuous improvement and development, producing environmentally friendly products and ensuring the safety of its employees.
The quality control process implemented in Fırat laboratories with the understanding of perfection consists of three stages.

  • Input Quality Control
  • Process Quality Control
  • Output-Final Quality Control


ll kinds of raw materials and auxiliary materials supplied from our suppliers are subjected to Input Quality Control tests according to the quality-production standards determined by Fıratpen. Samples taken from each lot of raw materials and auxiliary materials delivered in lots by our suppliers in compliance with “acceptance sampling” standard are required to pass the following tests at Input Quality Control Laboratories and have “Suitable for Production” approval.

  • Physical Suitability,
  • Chemical Suitability,
  • Density,
  • Humidity,
  • Bulk Density,
  • Viscosity Number,
  • Grain Thickness Distribution and
  • K Number


During production process which is carried out by using raw materials and auxiliary materials that have "Suitable for Production" approval, samples taken from production lines during production stage and right after production are subjected to Process Quality Control tests which are determined by (TSE) and international institutions which work on quality standards (SKZ, EN, DIN, etc.) at the laboratories of Fırat. Main Process Quality Control tests are as follows.

  • Cold Impact Resistance Test
  • Dent Impact Resistance Test
  • Elongation Test Density Test
  • Vicat Test Wind Load Resistance Test
  • Water Tightness Test
  • Air Permeability Test
  • Corner Welding Test
  • Resistance to Wind Load Test

Product dimensions are continuously checked and recorded simultaneously with the production during Process Quality Control phase. It is mandatory for our products to receive “Quality Approval” upon passing all tests carried out with the frequency and number of controls indicated in the quality standards.


It is mandatory that the products which received quality approval are subjected to Packaging Compliance, Wrapping Compliance, Identification and Label Compliance checks and receive “Suitable for Shipping” approval upon packaging and wrapping phases which are automatically carried out.

All of our products are subjected to quality compliance tests with samples taken from our production lines semi-annually and regularly by the representatives of international test and certification institutions such as TSE, SKZ, IFT etc. in addition to the quality control tests performed at the laboratories of FIRAT..

Our products which pass these tests and fulfill the required quality conditions are offered to our customers.


Carrying out production by using “Environmentally Friendly Production Technologies” since its establishment, Fırat Plastik proves its sensitiveness on environmental health with Environmental Management System it has established in 2002 and considers this as a “Window on Management”.

Obtaining TS ISO 14001:2004 “Environment Management System” certificate from SGS company, Fırat Plastik had its sensitivity regarding the environmental health certified at the national and international level.

Fırat not only keeps the environmental awareness it has implemented in house but transforms it into an environmental policy and shares that with its neighbors, suppliers and customers. Especially during the national and international seminars it holds for its end-users, it shares primarily with its business partners the studies conducted on environmental problems and the attention that should be paid to environmental health.

95% of the products of Fırat consist of recyclable (re-processable) materials. Products which are named as cuttings and which cannot be processed again and non-domestic wastes are sent to “Disposal Plants” certified by Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Urbanization and Climate Change and recycling process is performed at those facilities.
Environmental Management Programs and Projects to Safeguard Environmental Health prepared by the Environmental Group formed by our environmental engineers are implemented in house at Fırat.

Committed to abide by all national and international Environment Legislation Directives and Environmental Regulations, Fırat fulfills all legal obligations and submits its statutory assessment reports to the relevant ministry.

Being granted “Environment Incentive Award” by İSO (İstanbul Chamber of Commerce) with the environment project it drawn up in 2006, FIRAT always places priority to the importance it places on environmental health in all investments it makes and shows due concern to this issue.
As Fırat, we undertake

  • To continuously improve our environmental performance by minimizing our waste and increasing our efficiency,
  • To comply with national and local regulations regarding our activities and European Union directives in regard to our products,
  • To protect the environment and to use natural resources effectively and efficiently by identifying environmental risks related to our activities,
  • To prevent pollution by eliminating it at its source,
  • To consider environmental impacts as a selection criterion when deciding on new investments,
  • To raise environmental awareness our employees, customers, suppliers and dealers by informing them about our “Environmental Management System”.


Fırat Plastik has established and is operating an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management System covering all its activities and meeting the requirements of ISO 45001 standard. Mattets which are considered as having a high OHS risk as a result of hazard identification and risk assessment are managed within this system.
As Fırat, we undertake

  • To comply with legal and international regulations and customer requirements in the facilities where we operate,
  • To establish safe working environments with the participation of employees and employee representatives,
  • To analyze and minimize health and safety risks that may arise in working environments,
  • To continuously improve OHS performance,
  • To plan measurable targets for continuous improvement and to achieve these targets,
  • To consider OHS risks as a selection criterion when deciding on new investments,
  • To improve our employees' OHS awareness by training them on the dangers they may be exposed to,
  • To raise OHS awareness our customers, suppliers and dealers by informing them about our “Environmental Management System”.


FIRAT A.Ş. embraces continuously improving energy performance, reducing costs, optimizing investments intended for energy efficiency, reducing environmental and greenhouse gas emissions and protecting natural resources through the establishment and operation of the ISO 50001 Energy Management System in its production processes and in respect of energy consuming resources within the scope as its main goal and has made the following commitments in this context .

The senior management of Fırat Plastik Kauçuk Sanayi Tic. A.Ş. makes the following commitments:

  • Setting targets in compliance with the Energy Policy with the participation of all our employees, creating actions to achieve these targets, reviewing them on a regular basis and providing the necessary resources,
  • Evaluating the design and modification improvements of facilities, equipment, systems and processes in line with the Energy efficiency and Energy consumption reduction goals,
  • Ensuring effective supply and utilization of energy efficient products and services,
  • Keeping in line with all laws and regulations related to energy and fulfilling their requirements,
  • Staying in effective communication with all stakeholders in order to create shared values and beneficial results on issues related to Energy Management,
  • Using appropriate sources and technologies to address the necessity of energy control,
  • Increasing energy performance values including energy efficiency and intensity in all processes,
  • Ensuring continuous improvements for reduction of energy consumption, improvement in energy efficiency, following their implementation and outcomes,

05.10.2023 Rev.0


Our ISMS policy within the scope of establishing of Fırat Plastik Kauçuk Sanayi Ticaret AŞ Information Security Management System (ISMS) encompasses;

  • Establishing for our company, customers and suppliers, the risk management methodology which comprises defining information assets in our company, identifying risks and taking control measures regarding risks with the aim of complying with the principles of information privacy, integrity and accessibility as required by the Information Security Management System,
  • Maintaining the privacy of information pertaining to our customers and ensuring compliance with the standards and the legal legislation,
  • Providing the necessary resources for hardware, software, training and other controls required to minimize information security risks and to ensure the continuity of this system,
  • Carrying out awareness-raising, training and incentive activities to ensure all personnel and business partners participate in and comply with the ISMS as a requirement of holistic approach of information security,
  • Ensuring continuity of access to information,
  • Controlling the efficiency of the ISMS by the means of internal and external audits, making the system continually compliant and continuously improving it

June 2016


In the plastics sector we are operating, as FIRAT A.Ş., our main goal is to turn all suggestions and complaints which our customers can easily notify us with regard to our products, activities and processes of dealing with customer requests via our toll-free 0800 219 80 20 help desk and other communication means, into customer satisfaction without compromising the principles of impartiality, objectivity and accessibility for our final customers and agents and TS ISO 10002 under legal terms and terms stipulated by the legislation (National and International Standards) and FIRAT's corporate policy.

In line with this objective, we commit to carry out required improvement works to prevent reoccurrence of dissatisfactions adopting a customer oriented approach within the cycle of planning, implementation, control and continuous improvement and by taking the feedbacks from our employees into consideration and together with necessary financial support.