
As Fıratpen, we are aware of our responsibilities towards our country, humanity and our world. We design our production processes with the aim of leaving to future generations an inheritance of a more livable world and we consider sustainability as the core of our business. Our corporate vision, goals, corporate culture, commitment to this land, values and ethical principles provides us guidance on our journey to fulfill our sustainability commitments.
We were able to implement CE marking and environmental impacts declaration (EPD Certificates) for the sustainable use of resources in PVC Window and Door Systems which is one of our main product groups for the first time in Türkiye in line with our “sustainable product” policy. Our products are among the leading essential preferences in terms of green, environmentally friendly and energy-efficient buildings.
We carry out PVC profile production using nature and human-friendly methods in order to achieve our sustainability goals and we avoid use of additives such as (lead and heavy metals), which cause harm human health and the environment, in our products. We are aware that with products we produce we are investing in the future of our country and our children as a requirement of our responsibility for nature, people and our future generations. We secure the future of our children by using environmentally friendly calcium zinc stabilizer in profile production by following this mission.
Manufacturing products that are fully compliant with national and international health-hygiene requirements is among the most important goals of our sustainability policy. In order to achieve this we avoid use of any chemical substances harmful to human, environmental and animal health in the products we manufacture in accordance with REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) regulations adopted within the framework of the European Chemicals Regulation Policy, which has been primarily established and enacted by the European Parliament and the Council of Europe.
Environmental Product Declaration
Obtaining Environmental Product Declaration certificate in 2015 for the products we produced is among the other efforts we have undertaken within the framework of sustainability. Fıratpen became the first company to get Environmental Product Declaration that are valid in all countries for its PVC Window and Door Profiles which are internationally certified and compliant with European standards.
EPDs are defined according to ISO 14025 to be certificates which quantitatively assess and declare the environmental performance of a product in accordance with predefined categories (raw material extraction, energy use and efficiency; material and chemical substance content; emissions released to air, water and soil; waste generation) based on parameters specified in ISO 14040. This method of declaration, which takes into account the ecological footprint of economic activities and the various emission and waste values that occur during the production process within the scope of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), are declarations that are objectively verified by international experts and are valid for organizations throughout the world. EPD'ler, ISO 14025'e göre tanımlanan, bir ürünün çevre performansını ISO 14040 çerçevesinde belirtilmiş parametreler bazında önceden belirlenmiş kategorilere göre (hammadde eldesi, enerji kullanımı ve verimliliği; malzeme ve kimyasal madde içeriği; hava, su ve toprağa verilen emisyonlar, atık oluşumu) nicel olarak değerlendiren ve beyan eden belgelerdir. Yaşam Döngüsü Değerlendirmesi (LCA) kapsamında ekonomik faaliyetlerin ekolojik ayak izini ve üretim sürecinde meydana gelen çeşitli emisyon ve atık değerlerini dikkate alan bu beyan yöntemi, uluslararası uzmanlar tarafından tarafsız olarak doğrulanan ve kuruluşlar için dünya çapında geçerli olan deklarasyonlardır.
FIRAT is an international brand with its EPD certificates declared within the framework of sustainability and has achieved to become the first company in its sector in Türkiye with its certificates registered in ECO Platform in Europe.
ECO Platform is a non-profit international organization that registers EPD Certificates and is established by ECO Platform-compliant EPD Certificate issuing bodies in Europe (Metsims;, NGOs representing the building sector and LCA experts. The goal of the ECO Platform is to ensure the development of building products with certified environmental impact information such as Type III EPD Certificates in particular. The EPD certificates registered in the ECO Platform allow these declarations to be used both in Europe and at International level.
Climate Declarations
Another effort we have undertaken in order to scrutinize the effects of global warming in our production processes, which is being more frequently spoken about in recent years, causing changes in the world climate system is the 'Climate Declaration' we have made for our product. FIRAT is pioneering its sector also with these efforts.
Climate declarations are declarations specifying the rates of greenhouse gas emission caused by the life cycle processes of a product, in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent. Climate declarations are issued on the basis of the results of life cycle assessment studies conducted in accordance with ISO 14025.