PVC Window And Door Systems
One of the most important items of PVC door and window systems is bolt systems. Bolt systems play a critical role in many important aspects from insulation of the window to security. Quality of the bolts to be used is as important as the bolt system that is being used. Bolt systems shall be compatible with PVC profile systems.

For these reasons, Fırat Plastik offers FWG brand bolt systems designed internally and subjected to a number of challenging tests to the use of its dealers. FWG bolts are subjected to most challenging wind load and precipitation tests. Also, having an opening-closing life of 25,000 cycles, FWG bolts are made of corrosion and abrasion resistant material. FWG bolt systems have TSE Compliance certificate.
PVC Window is a product that is made of a combination of numerous components and bolt systems are one of the most critical members of this entirety. Therefore, bolt selection is one of the most important criteria to ensure healthy use of the windows for extended years.