Importance of Glazing in PVC Windows and Glazing Types
One of the most significant elements that make up PVC windows is glazing, glazing units and their performance values.

Since an average of 70-80 percent of PVC windows consist of glass, thermal and acoustic performances of a PVC window depend on the performance of the glazing unit by 70 percent. Therefore, it is very important to also pay attention to the glazing type when choosing the PVC windows to be used in our buildings with regard to window performance.
The criteria that should be given importance when choosing the glazing can be listed as follows.
1. Glazing dimensions
Glazing units used today are characterized as double glazing or triple glazing. Double glazing units are built by combining two panes of glass with each other with the selected spacing dimensions. Triple glazing systems, on the other hand, are systems in which a higher insulation value is attained through use of two separate spacing between 3 panes of glass.
Double Glazing Unit
Triple Glazing Unit
It is given as 1st glass thickness + spacing + 2nd glass thickness. For example, in a 4 + 12 + 4 mm glazing, the thickness of the 1st glass is 4 mm, the spacing between the two panes of glass is 12 mm and thickness of the 2nd glass is 4 mm. The spacing is commonly 12 mm or 16 mm. The greater the spacing, the better the insulating value of the glazing. Also, air or argon gas can be used as a filler between the two panes of glass. Use of argon gas can yield higher insulation values.
2. Glazing Unit Types
The glazing used in PVC window systems may vary depending on the intended use. Using the right glazing in the right place will both minimize the ownership cost when buying PVC Windows and ensure that you attain high performance from PVC windows.
In general, glazing unit types are classified as follows depending on their intended use.
2.1. Heat Controlled Glazing (ısıcam sinerji)
Heat controlled glazing is defined as a form of glazing that feature higher insulation values thanks to the Low-E coating. This type of glazing prevents heat loss during the winter months by keeping the heat inside. It offers 50 percent better insulation than standard double glazing. Heat-controlled glazing enable maximum utilization of solar heat without compromising daylight and transparency. This type of glazing is preferred in regions with harsh winters. Selection of this type of glazing chosen in regions with very hot summers may lead to high insulation costs. Isıcam Konfor prevents the transfer of indoor warm air to outside since it has heat control.
2.2. Heat and Solar Controlled Glazing (ısıcam konfor)
These windows feature Solar Low-E coating. This prevents transfer of cold air to the interior in winter by 50 percent and transfer of the sun's heat to the interior in summer by 40 percent. As a result, warming up of the interior is prevented. This type of glazing can be preferred in regions where summers are very hot.
2.3 Laminated Glazing
They are produced binding multiple panes of glass under heat and pressure using layers of special polyvinyl butyral (PVB) binder. Risks of glass breakage is minimized since the fragments are retained in place when it breaks. Being highly resistant to external impacts laminated glazing can prevent or delay trespassing in case of burglary and attack attempts made with sticks and stones depending on the thickness of the lamination and the glass. Laminated glass is also used for acoustic insulation. Since this types of glazing is capable of blocking UV rays from passing into the interior by 97 percent, they can also help preventing items from fading due to sunlight.
As a result, the features that should be taken into account for the type of glazing to be selected when choosing PVC windows can be listed as follows:
- Thickness of the glazing unit (double glazing or triple glazing)
- Spacing between two panes of glass (the greater the spacing, the better the insulation)
- The type of filler to be used in the spacing. (Air filled or Argon gas filled...Cost benefit criteria needs to be considered when making the choice.
- If the winter is harsh and the summer is mild, ısıcam sinerji can be preferred, and if the summer is extremely hot and the winter is mild, comfort double glazing can be preferred.
- Laminated glazing shall be preferred in places with higher security requirements; glass pane and lamination thickness should be determined depending on the security level.
- Products with lamination yet are suitable for sound insulation should be preferred in areas with sound insulation requirement.
- Criteria such as the feature of the glazing to be preferred, accessories, PVC profile series, PVC profile prices, the thickness of the support sheet shall also be taken into consideration since they affect the window pricing.